Optimal Wellness Niagara

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Holiday season, strive for success, not perfection

The holiday season is upon us and it’s a really important time to check in with yourself about what is important and what is necessary. It is a time when it is easy to become overwhelmed by expectation, from others and your own self-imposed expectations.

Important tips to remember:

  1. You can always choose to take an item off your To Do list. Just let it go! Nothing is written in stone. Remember, it may have been a nice idea at the time but things change. Be flexible with your original plans.

  2. It’s ok to cut corners. It may be family tradition to use Aunt Jane’s cookie recipe or her family favourite gravy. If it helps save time and stress, just cheat. It’s ok, really!

  3. Take some time to do something that brings you joy. Sometimes, it helps to take two steps back. You may think you don’t have time but if you can pause and do something for yourself you may just surprise yourself and be even more productive after the fact.

  4. Ask for help. Is there anyone that you can call on to take the load off? Maybe someone can pick up what you need from the store or bring a dish. You can return the favor another time. Relying on others is not a weakness. Our connections/relationships are important and can make others feel important too.

  5. Take a moment to soak it in. A client came in the other day and said that she went to do her Christmas shopping and was so focused she got the job done but when she left she realized she didn’t even get a chance to look at the store’s Christmas decorations. Luckily, she cheerily said that she’d just go back another day just for that purpose. “I’ll be done my shopping and I’ll just watch the last minute shoppers do their scurry”.

Hope these tips help! Choose to enjoy your holidays!