Optimal Wellness Niagara

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No better time than now

With all that is happening around the world, it is hard not to be affected by the energy of it all.  Even those that consciously decide to avoid negativity by not watching the news are subconsciously affected.  After all, we are all connected.  

So what to do?!  There's no denying that we live in challenging times but challenges are nothing new.  The light, the dark.  The universe needs contrast to exist.  This is the reality.

When you feel that everything around you seems insurmountable, it is the perfect time to go within, build resiliency and be the change you want to see in the world.  Our reality takes shape by what we project onto it.  It is therefore imperative that you surround yourself with visions of what you want the world to look like.  If the whole world seems like a scary place because that's all the information you are receiving, then that will become your reality.  Just remember, there is still a lot of good out there.  Build on that and never give up hope.  

Take care of yourself, then you can take care of others and so on and so on.