Benefits of Osteopathy

What exactly does an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner do? It’s one of the most frequently asked questions we get here at Optimal Wellness Niagara.

Your practitioner uses manual hands on therapy to improve overall health across all body systems. It is a gentle, non-invasive treatment in which the aim is to manipulate and strengthen the musculoskeletal framework. The practitioner focuses on joints, muscles and spine. Treatment engages the body’s nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems.

People from every age range can benefit from osteopathy, from the colicky baby, to the office worker with posture related issues or stress and headaches or migraines, the athlete suffering from an injury, to the elderly suffering from degenerative condition such as osteoarthritis. 

Your osteopathic manual practitioner works to help these common issues…

Neck pain, low back pain and upper back pain

Acute and chronic pain

Pelvic pain

Sciatic pain

Sacro-iliac joint pain (SIJ pain)

Headaches and migraines and / or concussion following a motor vehicle accident or a fall

Jaw pain, TMJ (Temporal mandibular joint pain)

Posture and stress related issues

Pregnancy related complaints such as sciatic pain, back pain or swelling. 

Digestive disturbance such as constipation

Menstrual cramps

Sports related injuries

Hip pain, knee pain and ankle pain, sprain and strain

A word from our newest Osteopathic Manual Practitioner, David Hud’homme, M.Ost

I have over 10 years experience practicing osteopathy in Canada, Europe and the UK and countless hours of postgrad training in manual therapy and osteopathy. I have worked with internationally trained osteopaths from the UK, Canada, France and more, physiotherapists, acupuncturists, naturopaths and massage therapists. I have helped over a 1000 patients from all age ranges coming with ankle, knee, hip, low back pain, neck pain, headaches, concussion from motor vehicle accident or fall, tinnitus, stress and posture related issues, athletes coming with injuries or those who want to improve their performances.

I have experiences treating babies suffering from colic, or breastfeeding issues or difficulty sleeping, pregnant / expectant mother who are dealing with sciatic or back pain. Osteopathy can  also  help preparing for birth but also after the pregnancy. I have had training in rehabilitation exercises with functional medicine specialist. 

We are excited to introduce David to Niagara Region! David will begin seeing patients here in St. Catharines, Ontario on January 16, 2024. Call Reception at 905 988 9009 to book your appointment. Or, send us an email at

We look forward to seeing you!


Tis the Season! For Snow Shoveling


NEW Arrival - Osteopathic Manual Practitioner