Our Services


Naturopathic medicine is a successful non-invasive way to prevent chronic illness as well as reduce reliance upon prescription medications (and all of their side effects).

Naturopathic medicine uses a wide variety of therapies to treat, support and uncover the root cause of patient health concerns. The focus of naturopathic care is centered on the individual, their current health (physical, emotional and spiritual), family history as well as lifestyle choices all of which informs the diagnosis and treatment plan offered by a naturopathic doctor.

The philosophy of naturopathic medicine is to work with the patient to stimulate the healing power of the body and treat the underlying cause of disease. In naturopathic medicine symptoms of disease are seen as warning signals of improper functioning of the body, and lifestyle habits that may interfere with your optimal level of health.

Think of it as your gateway to optimal health. From food and nutrition, to stress reduction, to understanding your body’s unique chemistry, naturopathic medicine allows you to boost your immune system, prevent and treat chronic disease and increase your overall energy level.

Naturopathic treatment draws from a number of modalities and is tailored to the individual. Depending on the doctor’s approach and the needs of the individual patient, treatments may include clinical nutritionbotanical medicinehomeopathic medicinelifestyle counselling, Asian herbal medicine, and physical treatments such as acupuncture, or a combination of these.

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct form of primary health care. There are six accredited schools of naturopathic medicine in North America.

Massage Therapy

Get the treatment YOU need. Our experienced Registered Massage Therapists work with you to assess and treat you specifically.

What to Expect: You will be given a new patient intake form which will help our massage therapist come up with your treatment plan. Reception will greet you on arrival and show you to your treatment room. You may choose to disrobe completely, partially or not at all. Your comfort is the most important goal so that you can fully relax. The massage therapist will typically start treatment with you lying on your stomach. Use the sheets and/or blankets provided to cover yourself. Typically, the Massage Therapist uses massage oils. If you have any allergies, please be sure to share this information.

Make sure you drink plenty of water after treatment. It will help to release toxins in your body. An Epsom salt bath is great following a treatment, if you are able to do that before the end of the day.


The osteopathic philosophy of Body, Motion and Mind was developed in 1874 by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still. The Body represents the physical body, the Motion meaning spiritual being and the Mind which organizes the other two using the five senses of seeing, hearing, tasting, smell and touch. He established the profession in 1892 in Kirksville, Missouri when he opened up the first osteopathic medicine school. Dr. Still pioneered the concept of wellness by treating each patient as a whole and not just their illnesses or complaints. He believed in fresh air, windows in every patient’s room and exercise by walking around the hospital grounds. The word Osteopathy means bone and suffering, when translated, is a system of healing through scientific knowledge and intelligence of the human body.

 The science of Osteopathy is a comprehensive and complete system in its own right. The philosophy, principles, treatment of osteopathy are based upon structure (anatomy) and function (physiology) using manual techniques to adjust the person physiologically. Osteopathic manual practitioners can use any number of techniques like craniosacral, visceral, myofascial, ligamentous and lymphatic in providing individualized treatments. The treatment process can involve work directly on the area of complaint(s) or a distance from the area through indirect influence like musculoskeletal movement or circulatory motion.

Osteopathy is about adjusting and stabilizing a person’s body’s systems to be integrated into its natural healing abilities.

What to Expect: Your Osteopathic Manual Practitioner will review your NEW patient intake form and will assess your situation before treatment. Typically, this is done within the initial appointment. With this treatment, the patient is fully clothed. It is recommended that you wear loose fitting, comfortable and light clothing. The practitioner will guide you as to what position you will need to receive your specific treatment, it can be a combination of either sitting, standing and/or lying down. This is a hands-on treatment that is typically gentle and non-invasive. After treatment, you will be advised on post-treatment care and possible follow up recommendations.

Money Coaching

It’s no secret that our mental wellness can be largely influenced by one of our greatest stressors, money. An expert can help guide you to alleviate this common stress by offering good sound advice.

Niagara Region Money Coaches is an independent company dedicated to educating our clients and assisting them with all aspects of their financial planning without any product selling. By prioritizing financial literacy, Founder/Owner Trevor Van Nest, B.Comm. (Hons.), CFP® is able to empower clients with the knowledge they need, and assist clients with whatever financial challenges and questions they might have. With over 25 years of experience in financial services, Trevor is able to provide expert unbiased advice and coaching to help clients achieve the financial peace they seek.

Flat-fee financial guidance helps Canadians improve their literacy, puts them on the path towards financial well-being, and removes the embedded sales process from the category.  For one transparent and reasonable fee, clients are provided with expert opinions and advice in categories ranging from the following list:

  • FREE no-obligation consultation

  • Detailed Retirement Planning and Cash Flow

  • Investment Portfolio Reviews

  • Permanent Debt Reduction

  • Building Household Budgets that Work

  • Saving

  • Insurance Coverage Recommendations

  • Parenting & Money Advice

  • Divorcee Financial Advice

  • Legacy Planning, and more.

Most importantly, clients are able to improve their relationship with money, educate themselves and take control of their financial situation.

CALL (289) 969-4180 to learn more.

Reiki & Energy Work


Reiki (pronounced ‘ray-key’) is an ancient Japanese Healing Method. ‘Rei’, means ‘universal/God’, and ‘ki’ means life force/energy.

Reiki is non – invasive, you are fully clothed and lie or sit in a comfortable position.

Reiki involves the placement of hands onto the body or hovering slightly above the body. Reiki can be felt as a warm sensation or tingling in the body.

Receiving Reiki is safe, painless, and a very relaxing experience.


  • Relieves depression

  • Enhances memory & focus

  • Reduces stress & anxiety

  • Releases blocked and suppressed emotions

  • Improves sleep

  • Soothes headaches & migraines

  • Strengthens self esteem

  • Boosts confidence

  • Relieves pain & discomfort

  • Clears toxins

  • Improves digestion

  • Regulates blood pressure

  • Accelerates recovery from operations

  • Strengthens immune system

  • Balances hormones – PMS, menopause, fertility

  • Heals past traumas

  • Promotes a greater sense of well being & happiness

Vibrational Sound Therapy


Vibrational Sound Therapy using a special vibrational table that is connected to a sound source employs physical vibrotactile vibrations.

They bathe you with relaxing, healing vibrations and encapsulate you in soothing sounds as your stresses melt away. These tables vibrate at a variety of speeds at the same time, due to the different vibrational rates of each note in a piece of music.

Vibroacoustics stimulates the muscles, increases blood flow and moves fluid throughout the body. The use of Vibroacoustics triggers the Relaxation Response in the body naturally, without prescription drugs. This results in decreased muscle tension, a lowered heart rate and blood pressure, a deeper breathing pattern, calming of the stomach, and a peaceful, pleasant mood.

The use of CD's specifically designed to promote relaxation and/or reduce stress, to induce various brainwave states, for meditation practices, to clear emotional blockages and balance the chakras or to use electronically reproduced frequencies to address specific physical disorders with bioacoustics may all be incorporated into the personalized sound therapy treatments. Beyond the benefits of hearing these sounds, experiencing them through a table, actually feeling them, allows the body to integrate these frequencies at deeper levels.

What to Expect: Your appointment consists of an introductory consult to discuss your goals of your treatment. You are fully clothed and lie on your back on the table that looks similar to a traditional massage table. You may choose to have a blanket to cover you. Depending on the practitioner, additional techniques may be added to enhance the treatment such as reiki, crystals, aromatherapy or tuning forks. After the treatment, there is an opportunity for you to discuss to your experience, or you may choose not to share your feelings. The key is to honour your level of comfort and relaxation and to maximize your experience.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

EFT, also known as ‘Meridian Tapping’ is a psychological version of acupuncture (or acupressure) that can rewire your emotional response to a thought about the past, present and future by tapping with fingertips to stimulate meridian points on the body.

The result changes negative emotions to a positive. Working with emotions, balances the energy system in the body producing a calming in the brain.

EFT reduces fear, stress, anxiety, PTSD and depression.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an evidence-based self-help therapeutic method and over 100 studies demonstrate its efficacy. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6381429/

It is a coping tool that can be added to your toolbox and can be a wonderful complement to your current professional mental healthcare. It is recommended that you try it for yourself to see if it works for you, as with any modality, results may vary for each individual.

Additional Services


Many more services are available. Please see information on each practitioner to learn about additional services.

Price List

Pricing is a guideline only. Call for current pricing, varied treatment times and HST requirements


From $60


Initial Visit 1 Hour Consultation $160

Follow up 45 minute $99

Bioflex Laser Therapy

1 Hour Treatment $90

Massage Therapy

From $58 for 30 minutes or $94 for 60 minutes


1 Hour Treatment $110


1 Hour In-Person Treatment $110

1 Hour Virtual/Distant $80

1 Hour with Sound Therapy $125

Emotional Freedom Technique

1 Hour Session $90

Tarot Card Reading

30 Minute Session $45

Vibrational Sound Therapy

2 Hour Session $110

Money Coaching

Visit niagararegionmoneycoaches.com